Liquidity Management
CashAnalytics allows for efficient and robust liquidity management by providing clear visibility over actual and forecast cash flow across an entire business.
CashAnalytics allows for efficient and robust liquidity management by providing clear visibility over actual and forecast cash flow across an entire business.
The most important factor in effective liquidity management is having clear visibility over current and future cash flow.
This provides the basis for understanding both what liquidity is available within a business today while also allowing future liquidity shortfalls and surpluses to be quickly identified.
CashAnalytics provides this visibility as a baseline and gives treasury and finance teams a range of automation and analysis tools to further streamline the process of liquidity management and business unit funding.
CashAnalytics provides a single view of actual and forecast cash and liquidity across a business.
Automatically track cash pool sweeps and funding balances between business units and funding entities.
Automatically track and reconcile intercompany movements between business units.
Gain headline and detailed liquidity visibility through a dedicated suite of reports and dashboards.
Get rid of your spreadsheets and manage your cash flow easily in one place.