GTreasury Acquires CashAnalytics, the World’s Most Advanced Cash Forecasting Solution GTreasury Acquires CashAnalytics, the World’s Most Advanced Cash Forecasting Solution Learn more

Trend Forecasting

Reduce your manual effort by up to 90%

Easily create trend base cash flow forecast models using historical cash flow data.

Highly detailed forecasts

A range of trend models can be used including simple naive models through to smoothing models which can be applied alongside growth factors to different line items and cash flow categories, depending on the requirement.

Trend Forecasting is particularly powerful when combined with other forecasting methods in CashAnalytics such as the AP and AR unwinds which provides highly detailed short term forecasts based on invoice data combined with medium to long term forecasts based on historical trends.

Key Benefits

Highly automated forecasting

Makes intelligent use of historical cash flow data

Highly configurable depending on cash flow categories

Can be used in combination with forecasting methods

CashAnalytics is of great importance to our company. The 13 week forecast allows us to quickly identify cash needs across the group. It’s an effective yet simple solution that’s easy to use, with high quality support from the CashAnalytics team.

Paul Brighton Head of Treasury

Reduce your manual effort by up to 90%

Get rid of your spreadsheets and manage your cash flow easily in one place.